2021 Point System

N/A 5000#

Open Points Final.png

L/M 5500#

limited Points Final.png

9500# Pro Farm

Pro Farm Final Points.png

11000# Altered Farm

Altered Final Points.png

Point System Rules

  1. Points will be awarded at all sanctioned pulls as follows: 1st Place- 50 Points, decreasing by 2 through 14th Place

  2. Points will be awarded to certified vehicles in their respective order of finish, regardless of placing of non-certified vehicles in that class. Points will be awarded to the vehicle not the driver, but driver must be a member to receive points.

  3. If for any reasons a class or classes are cancelled, every vehicle signed in will receive 25 points

  4. Points will not be awarded until after the vehicle has been certified.

  5. All ties will receive highest points total and added, then split between the two vehicles.

  6. Disqualifications of a vehicle will receive 25 points, except in a pull-off.

  7. If there is a DQ while competing while hooked to the pulling sled in a class, you will receive 25 points. If you are disqualified off track for any reasons, no points, and no money.

  8. If you legitimately break while attempting to move the pulling sled, you will receive last place points. No points or money if you do not hook up to the sled on your own power. Except in a pull off.

  9. For each class we will take your worst hook of the year or one that was missed and throw it out. (In golf they call this a mulligan) if you have any questions contact a board member.