5,500# Limited and 5,250# OPEN Rules
5500 NA Limited
8 mph Class
A) Engine Limits
1. One (1) fuel only - Gas, Diesel, or LP - No alcohol fueled tractors, nitrous or nitro-methane.
2. All engines to be naturally aspirated.
3. Blocks and crankcase shall be of the same manufacture, same number of cylinder and same
configuration as originally equipped.
4. Tractor may have any carburetor with any draft and no limit to the number of barrels.
5. No fuel injection except for diesel engines.
6. Aftermarket intake and exhaust allowed but must exhaust upward.
7. No aftermarket heads
8. Helmet must be worn if tractor has a Roll Cage or Bar
B) Tractor limited to 3000 RPM unless equipped with additional equipment.
- Safety equipment required to exceed 3000 RPM but NOT to exceed 5500 RPM.
9. Steel flywheels are required. Tractor owner must verify compliance in writing at time of certification.
10. Wide front end.
11. Must be equipped with tie bars
12. Electric fans only
5250# OPEN Class
A) Engine Limits
1. One (1) fuel only - Gas, Diesel, Alcohol or LP - No nitrous or nitro-methane
2. All engines to be naturally aspirated.
3. 650 Cubic Inch Max
4. Tractor may have any carburetor with any draft and no limit to the number of barrels.
5. No fuel injection except for diesel engines.
6. Aftermarket intake and exhaust are allowed, must exhaust upward
7. No aftermarket heads
8. ROPS or Roll Cage must be on all tractors with seatbelts
9. Helmet must be worn if tractor has a Roll Cage or Bar
10. All drivers must wear long pants and a fire jacket. NO SHORTS!
1. 360 cubic inch Limit or Less
2. Brand Specific
3. 3000 rpm Limit
4. 2.3 Box Charger Limit – 56mm or smaller
5. Water Injection or Intercooler (Not Both)
6. Standard use is “P” Pump
7. Must be 12 Valve or Less
1. Carbureted Alcohol Only with Drafted carburetor jets
2. 450 cubic Inch or Less
3. 5,500 rpm Limit
B) Tractor limited to 3000 RPM unless equipped with additional equipment.
- Safety equipment required to exceed 3000 RPM but NOT to exceed 5500 RPM
1. Steel flywheels are required. Tractor owner must verify compliance in writing at time of certification.
2. Wide front end.
3. Must be equipped with tie bars
4. Electric fans only